5 things you might not know about abortion
Abortion, as a woman’s legal right, was affirmed by the US Supreme Court in 1973. Abortion is a medical operation that involves the removal of the fetus or embryo from the uterus of the mother. It must be ideally performed before the fetus develops the ability to survive outside of the womb. Although in the case of late-term abortion, this rule is broken, but that is done only when the life of the mother is at risk. Here is a list of things you must know about abortion: Abortion is common Most of us have grown to believe that abortion is an uncommon activity. But that is just another myth that has been found to be false. About thirty percent of American women have gone through an abortion by the age of 45. This comes as a surprise to many, but you might think you don’t know anyone who has gone through abortion; this is because they might not have told you about the operation. Another myth that lower-class women get abortions is untrue, women of all races and classes get abortions. Abortions don’t kill The probability of someone dying from an abortion is even less than one in 1,00,000.