Treatment Options for Adult ADHD

Treatment Options for Adult ADHD

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a condition that although is common in children can affect adults as well. Treating ADHD in adults requires a strategy that uses a multi-pronged approach to deal with the symptoms and side effects of the condition while helping the concerned individual improve his/her quality of life. Here are some of the most common treatment options recommended for adult ADHD.

Medications for ADHD

The first course of action in handling ADHD in adults is prescribing medications, mostly stimulants to control the symptoms of the condition. Studies have revealed that the same medications used to treat childhood ADHD tend to work in adults as well.
Accordingly, some of the common stimulants prescribed for adult ADHD include Adderall, Focalin, Concerta, Vyvanse, Ritalin, and Quillivant, as well as a non-stimulant called Strattera. Medications such as Catapres, Intuniv, and Wellbutrin that are prescribed for childhood ADHD also work for adults.

Exercise for ADHD

Exercise is a great treatment for ADHD and is considered one of the most effective ways to control symptoms of the condition in adults. Studies have shown that exercise tends to boost the dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine levels in the brain, thus helping improve focus, memory, and mood. In addition to this, they don’t have any side effects.

Some exercises recommended for ADHD include brisk walks, hiking, and trail running. Team sports are also recommended for those who require motivation to exercise.

Proper Sleep for ADHD

Improper sleep can worsen ADHD. Hence, one needs to adopt a regular sleep pattern to improve the quality of sleep and reduce the side effects of ADHD.
Some tips to improve quality of sleep include setting a bedtime and sticking to it, avoiding caffeine during the latter part of the day, creating a peaceful environment for proper sleep (dimming the lights, reducing the noise, etc.), reading, listening to music, warm water shower, etc.

Proper diet for ADHD

It is essential that one remains mindful of his/her eating habits when dealing with ADHD. It is vital that one plans a proper diet and sticks to it, so as to deal with ADHD and its side effects effectively. This doesn’t relate to eating the right foods alone but also to other essentials as well. These include scheduling regular meal and snack times to avoid impulse eating, adding multivitamins to meals, and opting for protein and carbohydrate-rich snacks.

Relaxation techniques for ADHD

Studies have revealed that the symptoms and side effects of ADHD can be alleviated effectively via relaxation techniques that focus on calming the mind and helping it to focus better while reducing signs of depression, anxiety, and impulsivity.
The common relaxation therapies recommended for adult ADHD include meditation and yoga. While meditation centers on improving concentration and focus, yoga makes use of poses and postures to combine physical and psychological workouts to cultivate balance and concentration in the body and mind.

Therapy treatment for Adult ADHD

In addition to all these treatment options, one can opt for certain therapies to treat ADHD and its symptoms in the long run. Some of these therapies that have shown to have positive effects on individuals with ADHD include talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, marriage and family therapy, and brain training.

Adult ADHD and its side effects can be controlled effectively with the help of these treatment options. The best results are experienced via a combination of these treatment options that are customized according to individual health conditions, constraints, and goals.

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