Top 5 designer handbags for every occassion

Top 5 designer handbags for every occassion

“I have too many handbags,” said no women ever. And the collection of designer handbags is a pleasure that most women are guilty of holding. Handbags have always been a staple and stylish accessory that fashionably forward women love to flaunt. The trendy pieces can make or break your look and thus, fashion handbags should be picked with much precision.

If you are into high-end designer handbags and are in a mood to splurge on one, then you may be confused by the range that is presented by several designer brands. Scooping up a designer handbag involves a lot of money, however, if you pick the right one that you can use in the years to come, it is a great investment that will not leave you regretful. Designer handbags are built from premium material, and the quality makes them a splurge-worthy investment. It is essential that you pick a bag that is versatile and will match most of your wardrobe ensembles. Here are a few designer bags that will make you want to break your bank today!

Chloé Faye – Leather and suede shoulder bag

Chloé Faye bags has always made heads turn, but this leather and suede shoulder bag is an all-time stunner. Sleek and classic, this can be your go-to bag as it can be paired with any outfit from your closet. Small sized, the bag is perfect for your day in the city tours as its functional while the signature circle chain makes it look trendy. This designer handbag is available in a slew of colors from black, blush and more.

Stella McCartney – Falabella mini fold-over tote

This designer handbag reeks functionality and style in every manner. With a classic Stella McCartney design, the handbag is easily recognizable due to chain strap that makes it look oh-so-classy. What makes this bag a great investment is its fold-over functionality. You can choose to use it as a tote and fold it over and make it a sling.

Prada – Saffiano leather tote

Looking for a sophisticated and classic handbag that will never go out of the style? The Prada Saffiano leather tote is one that will effortlessly help you transcend from a casual day look to party-ready night look. This handbag is beautifully built to suit everybody’s needs.

Hermès – Kelly

Hermès is a designer handbags brand that every woman desires to possess. The high-fashion brand designed the Kelly to impress, and the piece is available in a plethora of colors. The Hermès Kelly was named after the Princess of Monaco, Grace Kelly and can be your most-prized possession.

Louis Vuitton – Speedy

The Louis Vuitton Speedy is one of the first bags to be designed by the designer handbags brand. The handbag became extremely popular due to its monogram print. The ever-chic design beautifully adds a tweak to your casual outfits and also fits in most of your essentials. More importantly, the Louis Vuitton bag is almost indestructible and bound to last for several years.

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