The Amazing Health Benefits of Sesame Oil

The Amazing Health Benefits of Sesame Oil

Not so long ago coconut oil was all the buzz, but move over, sesame oil (also known as gingelly oil) is now on the scene and earning a superfood title for it’s multiple healthful benefits. Not only is this naturally moisturizing oil excellent for pampering hair, nails, and skin, the subtle nutty flavor is also perfect for sauteing fish, stir fries, and even for whipping up a quick salad dressing.

Here are some of the many convincing reasons for adding sesame oil into your diet:

1. Protects your ticker

You’ve likely heard many reasons why healthy fats are good for cardiovascular health. And like other oils, sesame oil delivers a bounty of healthy fatty acids, particularly polyunsaturated fatty acids (i.e., seasmin and sesamol), which work as a natural anti-inflammatory to help ward off atherosclerosis (plaque build up inside your arteries) by lowering bad (LDL) cholesterol and preventing stroke and heart attack.

2. Whiter teeth, brighter smile

You may not be so familiar with a technique known as oil pulling, which is swishing with oil, in order to banish all sorts of harmful bacteria and plaque. And you can perform this age old medicinal practice with sesame oil just as you can with coconut oil. Oil pulling has been linked to preventing cavities, streptococcus bacteria, and to naturally whitening teeth.

3. Makes bones

Many aren’t aware of the mineral qualities of sesame, but this oil is rich in calcium, copper, and zinc all essential minerals for boosting bone strength and growth. Not only does sesame oil help protect older bones from weakness, fractures, and osteoporosis, a little sesame oil in your daily diet can also help accelerate bone growth and development in growing children.

4. Natural mood booster

A 2012 study published by the National Institutes of Health claims that sesame oil has mood boosting abilities that can help improve anxiety and depression. This is all thanks to tyrosine (or 4-hydroxyphenylalanine), an amino acid that has been linked to increasing serotonin levels in the brain, and flooding the body with “feel good” enzymes and hormones that create overall feelings of calmness, positivity, and well being.

5. Cancer-fighter

Looking to add some natural cancer fighters to your daily diet? Look no further than sesame oil for it’s unusually rich stores of magnesium, calcium, and phytate. Individuals with diets rich in magnesium and calcium have long been considered at lower risk of certain cancers (i.e., colorectal and colon cancer). While phytate is a naturally-occurring organic compound in sesame oil that’s linked to helping prevent leukemia.

6. Glowing skin, smooth, shiny hair

Most plant oils are known for their natural hair and skin boosting abilities and sesame oil is no different. This oil has been used for ages to improve the overall health and appearance of hair, as well as bringing out natural highlights, and minimize hair loss. For skin, sesame boosts loads of anti-bacterial and mineral benefits (i.e., zinc), which is linked to banishing age spots, while evening out skin surface and improving elasticity. Did you know that sesame oil can be applied in lieu of sunscreen. This oil creates a protective layer that minimizes sun damage.

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