Signs and Types of Anemia

Signs and Types of Anemia

Anemia is a condition that causes a shortage of healthy red blood cells to carry enough oxygen to your body’s tissues. If you have anemia, you may feel weak and fatigued. There are many different types of anemia, such as aplastic anemia, sickle cell anemia and vitamin deficiency anemia (most often iron and B12).
By far, the most common type of anemia is iron deficiency anemia. It is vital that you see your doctor if you think you have anemia because the condition can be mild or severe. It can be a sign of more serious illness. There are several different treatments for anemia, from taking supplements to undergoing medical procedures such as iron transfusions. General anemia signs and symptoms may include

1. Fatigue
You may experience fatigue if you have anemia because you have low iron. Your body needs iron to create a protein called hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body’s tissues and muscles. Therefore, the low iron and hemoglobin cause your body to have to work harder to move oxygenated blood around your body, causing tiredness

2. Pale or yellowish skin
Hemoglobin in red blood cells gives blood its bright red color. Naturally, low levels during iron deficiency make the blood less red. This explains why skin can lose its ruddy color or glow in people that suffer from iron deficiency. The pale or yellowish skin color can be seen in the face, gums, inside the lips or lower eyelids, and/or nails

3. Irregular heartbeat
Heart palpitations can be another symptom of iron deficiency anemia. In an individual suffering from iron deficiency, low levels of hemoglobin mean the heart has to work double time to carry oxygen to the necessary places in the body. This can cause irregular heartbeats, such as the feeling that your heart is beating incredibly fast. In the worst cases, it can cause an enlarged heart, heart murmur, or even heart failure

4. Shortness of breath
Oxygen levels are normally low for someone with low iron and low hemoglobin. As a result, your muscles won’t be getting enough oxygen to perform routine activities such as walking. Consequently, your rate of breathing will increase as your body is just trying to get more oxygen. This defines shortness of breath. An iron deficiency can explain why you are feeling out of breath while doing normal and leisurely activities such as walking or taking one flight of stairs.

5. Dizziness or lightheadedness
The research on the link between dizziness or lightheadedness is a little fuzzy. What we know is that low levels of hemoglobin in red blood cells means that limited oxygen reaches the brain. This may cause blood vessels in the brain to swell, causing dizziness, lightheadedness, and headaches

6. Chest pain
Since the heart has to work extra hard to carry oxygen all over the body due to low levels of hemoglobin in an anemic individual, chest pain can occur. The abnormal heartbeats and the extra work your body has to do just to function can cause a tightening feeling in the chest

7. Cold hands and feet
Cold hands and feet can be a result of iron deficiency anemia. The poor blood circulation due to the oxygen deficiency does not let the blood pool in the extremities. This causes chilly hands and feet. Consult your doctor if you experience this and suspect anemia

Popular ways to deal with anemia is eating a well-balanced diet rich in Iron, Vitamin C, Folate, and Vitamin B-12. There also exist iron infusions for those who cannot absorb iron well. Popular infusions like Injectafer can help those people who are suffering from anemia. Injectafer is an iron replacement product that is put directly into the vein. Talk to your insurance company as Injectafer’s cost can be as little as $50 for your first dose. The cost of the second dose can be as low as $0. There also exists a Monoferric infusion. Monoferric infusion is a type of treatment for iron deficiency anemia in people who have an intolerance to oral iron.