Know about the preventive measures of HPV

Know about the preventive measures of HPV

Human papillomavirus also known as HPV is a sexually transmitted virus that can affect men as well as women. It is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, affecting more than 20 million people. Every year, six million people get infected with HPV. In most cases, HPV is harmless and goes away on its own. However, it can cause genital warts and several types of cancers, which includes neck, cervical and head cancers as well. Hence, it is essential to protect yourself against HPV transmission with these eight strategies:

Vaccination is a must!

There are two vaccines namely, Cervarix and Gardasil that have been approved by FDA to protect females against the types of HPV that cause most cervical cancers. Also, Gardasil protects against most genital warts as well. Before becoming sexually active, it is best to be vaccinated. For girls and women aging from 9 to 26, this vaccination is recommended. It can also be given to older women as well. Gardasil is approved for boys and men aging from 9 to 26 as well, and also it protects them against genital warts. The FDA has approved Gardasil for the prevention of anal cancer in both men and women. However, it is important to remember that HPV vaccine does not protect you against all types of HPV.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Consuming a diet that is low in fat and sugar and rich in fresh fruits and vegetables is a healthy approach to adopt. Also, having an active lifestyle with regular exercise, no smoking and also avoid consuming excess alcohol. Keeping your body healthy and having a good immune system helps in fighting various infections including some of the HPV viruses as well. There are more than hundred types of HPV, and some of them can be fought by simply adopting a healthy lifestyle. Having a healthy lifestyle helps in prevention of various diseases and helps you lead a happy and whole life.

Use a condom

Using a condom can help you lower the risk of HPV and other sexually transmitted diseases as well if you are sexually active. The importance of using a condom cannot be denied even in oral and anal sex. Using a condom during sex from start to end is essential. Skin-to-skin contact also transmits HPV, and it is important to remember this as condoms will not protect you entirely against contracting HPV. However, they do help in prevention. Also, remember never to reuse a condom.

Limited partners

One of the effective HPV prevention strategies is to limit the number of sexual partners. Also, it would be good to be monogamous while you are in a sexual relationship. The chances of getting exposed to HPV is high if you have many sexual partners. Knowing your partner for about eight months or longer before having sex can reduce your risk of HPV transmission. This happens because the gap of these months allows any HPV infection that is present in your potential partner to get tested and cleared as well.

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