Khloe Kardashian tips to a ‘revenge body’

Khloe Kardashian tips to a ‘revenge body’

Khloe Kardashian who was also known as the ‘fat sister’ has now transformed herself by losing 40-pounds. She calls her new body as the ‘revenge body.’ Khloe Kardashian states in an interview that a ‘revenge body’ is the one in which a person feels the most comfortable within themselves and the happiest within themselves as well. She also stated that she needed clarity in her brain while she was dealing with her divorce and she channelized all these emotions to her weight loss goal by working out. Khloe Kardashian also further added that her transformation is revenge on anyone who called her fat or ugly. Here are some tips which Khloe Kardashian happen to use during her transformation:

Slow and persistent process

When it comes to Khloe Kardashian losing weight, she didn’t follow any of those quick and crash weight-loss programmes. She said that the turtle always wins according to her, which means she trusts the slow and steady process then the quick and crash cheats.

Take health seriously

Once you realize how important it is to be healthy rather than just focusing blindly on losing some pounds, you won’t be motivated enough. Being healthy is a long-term goal that stays with you forever. If you eat healthily and exercise well, losing pounds would be easy and a by-product of being healthy.

Eating healthy and nutritious

Khloe Kardashian keeps it simple when it comes to her diet. From the basic eggs and oatmeal for breakfast and salads for lunch. She ensures that she is getting proper nutrition from her diet as well. She has a protein shake while going to the gym and always keeps fresh fruits handy. Also, Khloe Kardashian prefers a simple dinner with some vegetables and chicken with potato and rice to fulfill the carb intake. Also, one of the best ways to ensure eating healthy is stocking your fridge with healthy snacks so that whenever you are hungry, you can just grab a bite.

Cutting down on certain foods

Khloe Kardashian avoids certain types of food like junk food and dairy. Dairy products like yogurt and cheese prevent the slowing down of weight loss and hence, it is necessary to cut-down. Even though Khloe Kardashian was obsessed with cheese and milk, when she eliminated dairy from her lifestyle she lost 11 pounds in just one and a half month.

Drinking lots of water

Water played a huge part in maintaining Khloe Kardashian’s weight loss. Drinking water helps in burning more calories. Also, replacing other high calorie and sugar content beverages with water aids in weight loss as well.

Occasional treats

Khloe Kardashian doesn’t avoid junk food at all times. She gives herself treats every once a while by having chocolates or pizza in limited proportions. You just need to control that you have a limited quantity and control yourself. Also, Khloe Kardashian doesn’t use any weight loss supplements. Rather, she prefers to stick to her meal plan.

Working out

Even though Khloe Kardashian spends only 35 minutes in the gym, she makes sure that they are effective. Her trainer also stated that she is in love with fitness. From weightlifting to boxing to squatting to lunge twists to even working out at home, Khloe does it all!

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