Is Turmeric Effective for Treating Psoriasis?

Is Turmeric Effective for Treating Psoriasis?

Turmeric is a distinctively yellow-hued spice known for adding a pleasantly pungent aromas and flavors to many Indian dishes (i.e., curries). However, this spice has also been long-touted as a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory by Chinese and Ayurvedic practitioners who’ve used it to treat an array of skin disorders for thousands of years.

While much of the research on turmeric isn’t conclusive, the research that does exist claims the spice is rich in the active compound, curcumin, which is linked to soothing chronic skin conditions, like psoriasis by natural health practitioners and mainstream medical experts alike. According to the findings of a clinical trial, published by the Iran Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, plaque psoriasis treated topically with curcumin significantly decreased scaling, redness, and skin thickness in patients compared to study participants treated with a placebo.

Psoriasis is a chronic yet non-contagious skin condition that causes the overproduction of skin cells on the surface of the skin, resulting in painfully dry skin, itchy and red scaly patches, swelling and stiffness of the joints, and cracked and bleeding skin. Many psoriasis patients opt for a prescribed treatment meant to decrease excess skin cell growth, which may include:

  • Topically applied corticosteroids
  • Light therapy
  • Topical retinoids
  • Calcineurin inhibitors
  • Coal tar
  • Vitamin D analogue treatment
  • Salicylic acid
  • Anthralin (Dritho-Scalp)

However, many of these potent and prescribed drugs cause several adverse side effects, including:

  • Severe skin irritation
  • Dangers to pregnant or breastfeeding female patients
  • Changes to the immune system

Due to the negative side effects, many patients turn to natural remedies (i.e., turmeric) to provide natural, less painful psoriasis relief. Turmeric contains curcumin, an active compound rich in potent and healing anti-inflammatories that can help calm and soothe psoriasis symptoms. Before using turmeric to treat your psoriasis, consult with a doctor to ensure the spice won’t conflict with other medications (i.e., iron supplements, or blood sugar and blood clotting drugs). While using up to 4,000 milligrams of turmeric daily is generally safe, adverse side effects (i.e., diarrhea, nausea, and dizziness) have been reported after use. A research study published by the Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences, and Applications, found turmeric helped relieve psoriasis symptoms when used in conjunction with prescribed topical steroids, and avoidance of dairy products and psoriasis triggers. Turmeric can be used to treat psoriasis in the following ways:

1. Turmeric supplements
Oral turmeric supplements can be purchased from a reputable health food store.

2. Turmeric tea
Brew turmeric tea by dissolving 1 teaspoon of ground turmeric into 4 cups of boiling water. Many strain the excess spice and add honey and lemon to improve the taste.

3. Topical turmeric paste
Turmeric can be applied as a topical paste to help sooth scaly psoriasis patches. Prepare by combining one part turmeric powder with two parts water and then simmer on the stovetop, stirring until a thick paste forms. This topical turmeric remedy can be stored by cover and refrigerate for up to a week.

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