Home remedies to provide relief from heavy period flow

Home remedies to provide relief from heavy period flow

Menorrhagia is the technical term for heavy menstrual bleeding or more commonly known to people as heavy period flow. The menstrual cycle starts after a woman has attained puberty, which can be anywhere between the ages of 10 to 15 years.

Normal bleeding is expected during menstruation, but some women tend to experience heavy bleeding during their menstrual cycle which can be quite painful and will also have serious effects on your overall health with problems like fatigue, breathlessness among others. Women can experience these problems right before menopause, which is expected between the ages of 40 and 50.

In a normal menstrual cycle, women lose about 40 ml of blood. Anything above that can be a cause for concern, and immediate medical attention is advised in that case. However, if it is not a severe case of blood loss, here are a few home remedies which can come in quite handy and help you ease some of that pain and discomfort.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper might sound a bit scary to try, but it naturally helps balance the blood flow in your systems. Just a teaspoon of this spice mixture with warm water, to be consumed a couple of times every day during your menstrual cycle will provide the much-needed relief from the heavy period flow.


Cinnamon is a useful herb rich in uterine fibroids which reduces the bleeding by stimulating blood flow away from the uterus. Cinnamon is also rich in anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties to alleviate any discomfort from spasms or uterine cramps. A teaspoon of cinnamon powder mixed with hot water and some honey proves to be an effective remedy to control heavy period flow.

Apple cider vinegar

One of the most versatile ingredients, apple cider vinegar proves to be an effective home remedy. Having a couple of glasses of apple cider vinegar during your menstrual cycle will help reduce the cramps and discomforts associated.


Ginger naturally helps stop the menstrual flow, also being an ingredient which can be easily incorporated into many recipes. Boiling ginger in hot water, this homemade drink should be consumed post meals for it to be effective at least thrice a day. You can also add honey or sugar as much as required to the mixture to sweeten it since ginger has a powerful taste palate.

Dried apricots

Iron-rich foods will help in case of a heavy period flow, with dried apricots being a great alternative to beverages. Iron content in your body gets depleted during a heavy period flow cycle which is why the mineral levels should be replenished from time to time. Anemia is a serious medical condition which results in iron deficiency which is why iron-rich foods should be consumed.

Citrus fruits

Vitamin C is needed to help enhance iron absorption levels in your body naturally which is why consuming citrus fruits not just during heavy period flow, but also on a regular basis will help. Oranges, lemons and even tomatoes are rich in vitamin C which will help replenish the levels naturally.

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