Early Warning Signs of Kidney Cancer

Early Warning Signs of Kidney Cancer

Kidneys, i.e., the pair of small bean-shaped organs located in the middle of your back, detoxify the body by removing waste and extra water. If the kidneys don’t work properly, waste products can build up in the body and cause severe damage. Cancer is one such serious disease that interferes with the proper functioning of the kidneys. Kidney cancer, which is one of the 10 most common cancers, especially affects people over 55 years of age. It is imperative to catch this disease early, but many symptoms don’t show up until the advanced stages. However, the following are some of the warning signs that could indicate kidney cancer.

Lower Back Pain

As the kidneys are located right below the ribs, people feel pain in their lower back if the kidneys become inflamed or infected. Therefore, if you experience a persistent lower back pain, you must get your kidneys checked. The pain can be due to a wide assortment of reasons, but kidney cancer can be a potent reason as well.

Blood in the Urine

Blood in the urine is caused by various conditions and is the most common symptom of kidney cancer. Blood doesn’t always make urine look bright red but it can look pink, muddy, or orange also. Therefore, some people fail to detect this condition for a very long time. Whenever you notice a change in the color of your urine along with some discomfort in the bladder or kidney, you must see a doctor.

Abdominal Lump

Inflammation or a growth in the kidney causes a lump in the abdomen. In some cases, the lump is a visible bulge and in others, it is more like a firm area that can be felt when pressed. The lump can be nearly undetectable sometimes, calling for an ultrasound or a CT scan to be detected. Therefore, lumps anywhere in the body should never be ignored.


When the red blood cell count of the body plummets, it leads to anemia that is a common side effect of kidney cancer. Kidneys produce a hormone (erythropoietin) that signals the body to produce more red blood cells. When cancer affects the kidneys, their capacity for erythropoietin production suffers. This further leads to a low red blood cell count that causes an individual to feel tired, weak, and unfocused.


Fatigue can be a warning sign of kidney cancer as it saps energy and interferes with the body’s metabolism. The constant fatigue that never goes away despite resting and taking proper care is a sign that there is something serious happening to your body such as kidney cancer.

Swollen Legs

Swelling in the lower legs and ankle can be a warning sign of kidney, liver, or ovarian cancer. It is known as edema when fluid starts building up within the tissues under the skin.

Weight Loss

Weight loss that occurs without a drastic change in diet or an exercise routine can be a sign that an individual has developed kidney cancer. This is because cancer cells change the way the body uses calories and get in the way of the body’s natural digestion and absorption.

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