7 Lesser Known Benefits of Lip Balm

7 Lesser Known Benefits of Lip Balm

I don’t know about you, but always carry lip balm in my purse. In fact, I think I have a favorite brand of lip balm tucked away in my handbag, my office desk, my bathroom cabinet, and in my car…just in case.

However, little did I know that my go-to beauty product can be used for far more than treating chapped lips. it’s true, lip balm can be used in a pinch for many save-the-day reasons. Here’s why you should always have a standby lip balm in your pocket:

1. Fleek eyebrow wax

The next time you set out to buy expensive eyebrow smoothing gel from the beauty counter, think again! It turns out that your lip balm can be used to smooth out those out of control eyebrow hairs by smoothing a tiny small dab along your brow line. Yes, guys, you can also use this lip balm trick to keep your beard or mustache in place.

2. Banish eye bags

Bye, bye puffy eyes! Lip balm is on the case to reduce bags under eyes after a late night out (and maybe a few too many glasses of wine) or a poor night’s sleep. Simply use lip balm as an alternative to emergency baggy eye cream, and soothe a thin layer under your eyes to reduce puffiness in a pinch!

3. Relieve a chapped nose

We all use lip balm for chapped lips, but lip balm can be used to add much-needed moisturizer to many areas of the body. Winter can wreak havoc on skin, particularly on the face. Pair that with a stuffy nose and you’re walking around with a chapped, red ring around your nostrils. To get some relief, swipe a thin layer of lip balm on your dry, chapped nostrils. You can also use this moisturizing trick on dry, winter elbows. And if you don’t want to walk around with a shiny nose, apply the lip balm to your nostrils before bed, and sleep while rehydrating.

4. Tame hair static and flyaways

Come fall and winter, when the cold weather sets in, I’m a mass of static electricity. You can guarantee a little shock from me every time I take off my winter coat and scarf. And my hair is a staticy mess due to dry air and static electricity. On bad hair days like these, I like to rub a little lip balm on my fingertips and rub it through my staticky hair to tame flyaways.

5. Blister blocker

Blisters are almost inevitable with every new pair of shoes. They result when there’s any pinching, rubbing, or friction between the shoe and foot, particularly the heel. To prevent a painful blister, rub a little bit of lip balm to the area of your foot that’s rubbing on your shoe.

6. Cuticle saver

Particularly in dryer months (I’m looking at you winter) my cuticles become dry and painfully cracked. I used to spend quite a bit of money on fancy cuticle creams, which basically add moisture and prevent skin damage. However, I’ve learned that applying a bit of lip balm on dry cuticles does the trick. I simple smoothe a bit of lip balm on cuticles before bedtime and let it moisturize as I sleep.

7. Lipstick preserver

Lipstick can look lovely, but as soon as you drink your morning coffee, converse with a few coworkers, or have a snack, all that’s left is a clownish outline. A secret makeup trick is using lip balm prior to applying lipstick. The lip balm does it’s part as a lip filler, smoothing out any cracks and providing an even surface to apply your lipstick. Try it, and you’ll notice your lipstick application lasts longer.