5 reasons why Rihanna can be every girl’s role model

5 reasons why Rihanna can be every girl’s role model

In the current age, celebrities are not just thought of actors anymore, they have attained cult status in a generation that tries to model themselves according to them. Gone are the days where being an actor or a singer was simply associated with a pretty face or a soulful voice; the new generation looks upon these celebrities as a role model. So, these stars have a hard time trying to portray a respectful image, and yet, maintain their individuality. The paparazzi has a major role in highlighting every aspect of the lives of these celebrities. Though this does have a negative impact on the younger lot, when they see their favorite celebrity working for the society, it does encourage them to follow the set path.

One such celebrity singer who has carved a niche for herself on the world’s largest musical platform, and who has an unbelievable fan following is Robyn Rihanna Fenty, popularly known as Rihanna. The singer has managed to entice the masses with her unconventional voice, her powerful songs, and her unique sense of style. If you still harbor doubts about whether Rihanna can be a good role model, here are some facts about this singer which will ensure that she makes it to the list of people you respect.

  • What can make a pop star popular among her fans? Well, humility for starters. Rihanna is a diva, yet she ensures that she maintains a good relationship with her fans. When you see her pictures on social media sites where she poses with a crowd, it is not something curated by her PR; she has no qualms in posing with her fans. This is what makes her so popular.
  • What gossip magazines and the media overlook are the fact that celebrities are human beings as well, and they are as normal as the next person you meet. Rihanna’s life has been a roller-coaster ride, and she has faced a lot of personal setbacks, yet what makes her an amazing role model is that she is unapologetic for herself, and maintains her individuality. She gracefully handles whatever life throws at her, and doesn’t refrain from talking about her experiences.
  • Nothing’s more attractive than someone who knows their duty towards the world. Not all of Rihanna’s earnings are spent on lavish mansions or designer clothes; she is instrumental in establishing a charitable organization called “Believe Foundation,” which helps terminally-ill children. In addition to this, she also helps raise money for the lesser fortunate section of the society.
  • In a society that at times provokes you into thinking you aren’t good enough being yourself, having Rihanna for a role model ensures that you start appreciating yourself more. For plenty of girls and women worldwide, Rihanna inspires women to be themselves, and work towards their growth instead of trying to be someone else.
  • Celebrities often forget their roots, but not Rihanna! She ensures that she remains true to her roots. Thus, it shouldn’t come as a surprise when you see her pictures where she is so engrossed in celebrating festivals in Barbados or participating in their social life. She remains true to her traditions, land, family, and those who helped her even when she wasn’t so famous.

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